Well trained professionals, experienced in antiterrorism and security force operations. We offer our clients a blend of operational expertise and a practical, common-sense approach for mission-focused training.
We are seasoned professionals as tactical team commanders, senior training managers and exercise planners.
- Extensive military backgrounds in Naval Special Warfare, US Coast Guard operations and training.
- Experienced on the deck as team members, team commanders, and senior training managers responsible for advanced tactical training.
- Responsible stewards of the client’s valuable training budget.
- Government Security Clearance: Secret. Can obtain Top Secret/SCI.
TSO instructors are military and law enforcement veterans. Technical experts adept at relating specific training points of performance to all skill levels, providing technically proficient, confident, graduating students. Providing tailored training for each unique customer. Seamlessly blending classroom, training device mock ups, and dynamic live fire range situations. Consistently delivering safety integrated, current, operationally relevant, and mission focused training.